Penn College News

Future Collegians Show Technical Talents at BLaST Computer Fair

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Colorful displays and professional-grade digital movies were the order of the day.Students in the morning session attend the awards ceremony, watching the winning videos and cheering their classmates.A Hughesville student's logo design for next year's fair was incorporated onto a coffee mug and T-shirt.Restaurant displays covered everything from menus and signage to advertising and logos, including clever catchphrases. The Ark, for instance, recommended that patrons order two of everything, and a zombie-themed establishment urged diners to "eat your heart out."About 250 students from elementary, middle and high schools in the BLaST Intermediate Unit #17 area filled the Penn College Field House on Tuesday for the 11th annual Regional Computer Fair - an event that, not so long ago, could be contained within Penn's Inn. Just as the fair has outgrown space in the Bush Campus Center, so has the college's presence increased. This year's BLaST (Bradford, Lycoming, Sullivan and Tioga counties) Regional Computer Fair included the Admissions Office, the School of Business and Computer Technologies, the School of Integrated Studies, and the Outreach for K-12 Office. During two judging sessions, student projects were evaluated in categories of Digital Movie, Web Page Design, Computer Fair Logo, Animation, Programming and Graphic Design. In addition, the students were treated to an open campus computer lab, free pool in the CC Commons game room and large-screen video games during breaks.