Penn College News

Penn College Names Director for Madigan Library

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tracey Amey has been appointed director of The Madigan Library at Pennsylvania College of Technology.

Amey began her duties in January. Previously, she was employed as librarian for access initiatives at the college.

“Tracey will bring expertise, leadership and vision to our library, and we look forward to great things under her leadership,” said Penn College President Davie Jane Gilmour.

Tracey AmeyAmey, a Penn College employee since 2005, holds a master’s degree in library science from Rutgers University and a bachelor’s degree from Rochester Institute of Technology. In her 20 years as a librarian, she has worked for Congress, charter schools and academic institutions throughout the East Coast. Over the course of her career, she has been keenly interested in applying technology to library services, always looking to improve the library user’s experience.

“We are very pleased to have Tracey Amey take on the leadership of The Madigan Library,” said Paul L. Starkey, vice president for academic affairs/provost. “Tracey brings great enthusiasm and professionalism to the role. She has a track record of leading innovative projects to successful outcomes. We have every confidence that Tracey and her team at ‘The Madigan’ will continue to produce great results.”

The 1,000-seat Madigan Library houses a collection of more than 170,000 items in support of the college’s curriculum, including electronic collections supporting 45 programs.

The library also has online access to more than 31,000 full-text periodicals and books in 90 subscription databases.

For more about The Madigan Library at Penn College, visit online.

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