Penn College News

Kenneth E. Carl

Monday, January 7, 2013

Kenneth E. CarlDuring a 36-year career in higher education – more than one-third of the century celebrated during the centennial of Penn College and its predecessors – Kenneth E. Carl tirelessly wore many hats: alumnus, faculty member, president and mentor. A graduate of the Williamsport High School vocational program (that began in what is now the Klump Academic Center basement), Carl was a mechanical drafting instructor when chosen as the first director of Williamsport Technical Institute. He was beyond instrumental in furthering legislation to create a statewide community college system, and led WTI's transition into Williamsport Area Community College after that measure was passed. "He is enthusiastic, knowledgeable and of indefatigable vitality," one group of observers says of Carl in "Legacy of Leaders," the second volume in the Countdown to the Centennial. "He leads by example and everybody runs to keep up." The 120-page book, fully illustrated (and bountifully supplemented at the centennial website), is available for $9.95 from  The College Store.

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