Penn College News

Governor’s Advisory Commission Issues Recommendations

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Governor’s Advisory Commission on Postsecondary Education – which included participation from Pennsylvania College of Technology President Davie Jane Gilmour –­ has issued a report outlining its recommendations for enhancing the state’s higher-education system.

The panel, comprising 31 leaders from postsecondary education and business in Pennsylvania, was tasked with identifying key issues and developing long-range strategies for keeping higher education robust.

The commission evaluated trends in education, including the role of technology and how education can increase collaboration between the private sector and government.

“I was honored to participate,” Gilmour said of her service on the commission. “I learned a great deal and was able to represent the perspective of the ‘college of technology’ – an important educational resource for the workforce of the future in the commonwealth. The commission report is a comprehensive, honest assessment of higher education in Pennsylvania and recommends a direction for the future that I am pleased to support.”

The commission, which was created by an executive order of Gov. Tom Corbett in February, held regional public meetings statewide in developing its 19 recommendations.

The panel was chaired by Rob Wonderling, chief executive officer and president of the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce.

“Pennsylvania enjoys a vibrant, diverse and high-quality postsecondary system with a rich variety of education choices,” Wonderling said. “The strength of the higher-education sector is a competitive advantage of our commonwealth, employing our residents, educating our workforce and raising our reputation worldwide by exporting high-level talent nationally and internationally.”

“The commission’s recommendations provide a robust road map for the next decade that puts the user in the driver seat and helps make education more affordable and accessible for all,” Wonderling added.

The governor’s executive order called for the commission to explore:

  • Policies to aid in the development and maintenance of a robust and sustainable postsecondary education system that meets workforce needs and provides for educational options for students.

  • Policies to ensure that postsecondary education is accessible and affordable for all students.

  • Governance and financial structures that would enhance the postsecondary education system in Pennsylvania.

  • Opportunities for increased collaboration among academia, the private sector and government.

The commission’s recommendations include:

  • Providing students with a passport for learning – an education app store to help students, parents and adult learners make informed choices about postsecondary education and training programs.

  • Implementing targeted, flexible, work-ready dual-enrollment programs.

  • Helping students become college/career-ready by supporting competency-based programs and improving access to remediation programs for K-16 schools, including career and technical education programs and GED-preparation programs.

  • Creating a performance scorecard that holds schools accountable and ties funding to tuition and cost containment.

The commission’s full report and related resources are available at the commission's website.

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