Penn College News

Steak Dinner to Raise Funds for Community Garden Project

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Pennsylvania College of Technology community is invited to help kick off the newest "Going Green" initiative a campus garden by joining the Penn College Diners Club and Dining Services for a steak dinner to benefit the project.

Students, faculty and staff are welcome to stop by the Thompson Professional Development Center from 5-8 p.m. Thursday; reservations are not necessary. The meal is $10 per person/$6 for children under 13; flex, declining balance, cash and credit cards will be accepted. The menu is Caesar salad, grilled flatiron steak (with mushrooms, peppers and onions available as toppings), a baked potato bar and apple cobbler a la mode.

Penn College, through a committee of faculty, staff and students, is exploring the creation of a hydroculture greenhouse garden at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center.

The primary goals will be to:

  • Strengthen education competencies of current college curricula.

  • Provide a living laboratory to promote campus and local area sustainability awareness.

  • Supply vegetable production support to Dining Services, Le Jeune Chef Restaurant (and possibly the Greater Williamsport area food banks).

Also part of the initial plan is a "mini" market where students, staff and faculty can purchase fresh produce on campus.

Through continuous sustainable campus projects, the initiative's mantra will be to "Build the Spirit of Community" on campus where faculty, staff and students can work and learn together.

Committee members will determine the direction of the greenhouse garden, coordinate fundraising activities, and develop a plan to recruit volunteers. In addition, faculty, staff and student volunteers will be welcome to help start and maintain the garden as it develops.