Penn College News

Fall and Pumpkins in the Air During Interfraternity Event

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Phi Mu Delta's Steven J. Kanaley (left) and Sigma Nu's Ryan M. Enders crouch amid a pregame passel of pumpkins Pumpkins take flight in the fight for supremacy Digging in during the pumpkin pie-eating contest are Phi Mu Delta's Clifford Nanfeldt (foreground) and Ryan M. Enders from Sigma Nu The spoils of battle A super-efficient Greek custodial detail Combining fun, stress relief and seasonal comfort food, the Inter-Fraternity Council sponsored a "Pumpkin Bust" on the Thompson Professional Development Center lawn Tuesday. Team members lobbed pumpkins to one another in a variation on that old standby, the "egg toss," aiming for the greatest distance with the least mess. Participants also could burn off steam by smashing pumpkins with a baseball bat or join in a pie-eating contest, all before fraternity members grabbed shovels and trash cans to leave the premises as they found them.Photos by Erin M. Datteri, assistant director of student activities for Greek life and leadership