Penn College News

Commonwealth Cabinet Secretary Visits Penn College

Friday, September 30, 2011

John E. Manz, director of the Pennsylvania Housing Resource Center, leads DCED Secretary C. Alan Walker on a tour of the Weatherization Training Center Penn College President Davie Jane Gilmour and Secretary WalkerC. Alan Walker, secretary of the state Department of Community and Economic Development, visited Penn College on Friday. Walker toured the Weatherization Training Center along Reach Road seeing firsthand how the facility has earned its sterling reputation anddiscussed the college's leadership role in the Marcellus Shale Education & Training Center and the WEDnetPA Guaranteed Free Training Program. Welcomed by college President Davie Jane Gilmour, the secretary also heard from Larry L. Michael, assistant vice president for workforce development and special projects; John E. Manz and Alison A. Dillon, Pennsylvania Housing Resource Center director and assistant director, respectively; and Tom J. Venditti, statewide director of WEDnetPA.