Penn College alumna Kristi Ritchey, who received a degree in culinary arts technology in 2002, is among three contestants on the second episode of "Extreme Chef," a new competition series on the Food Network. The episode, titled "Rock the Block," is set to air at 10 p.m. Thursday and 1 a.m. Friday. During the episode, the contestants are asked to impress judges with their dishes while meeting such unorthodox challenges as rummaging through a garage to find a wagon, stroller or cart in which to carry unmarked canned goods that will serve as their ingredients; cooking on the block of a car engine; gathering ingredients from the pantries of residents and the bagged lunches of neighborhood children; and diving into a swimming pool to retrieve a spoon. Ritchey is executive chef of Greenleaf Gourmet Chop Shop in Beverly Hills and has been featured in USA Today, the Los Angeles Times and on a segment of "The Biggest Loser" for her exceptional culinary skills and her weight-loss triumph.