Penn College News

Society's Annual Welding Competition Held in MTC

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Columbia Montour student, in the heat (and light) of competition Judge Jim Fox assesses the work of a participant from Columbia Montour A SUN student stands ready to show his mettle Adam Steppe, alumnus and judge, evaluates a Columbia Montour's student's work Vying in the dark of dayThe well-appointed welding labs of Penn College's Avco-Lycoming Metal Trades Center were the venue for Friday's annual American Welding Society competition involving 20 students from the college's School of Industrial and Engineering Technologies and five each from Columbia Montour Area Vocational-Technical School, SUN Area Technical School and Williamsport Area High School. Local AWS members Jim Fox, a retired member of the Penn College faculty, and Adam Steppe, a 1999 graduate and AWS chair, were among the judges for the separate high school and postsecondary contests.
Photos by Whitnie-Rae Mays, student photographer