Penn College News

Children's Learning Center Director Presents at National Conference

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Karen Woland PayneKaren Woland Payne, director of the Children's Learning Center at Pennsylvania College of Technology, presented a workshop at the Annual Conference of the National Coalition of Campus Children's Centers, held in Orlando, Fla., April 7-10.

Her presentation, "Grantwriting Tips for Beginners," offered basic tips on how to write successful grant proposals, a comparison of government versus private foundation grants, how to work successfully with a campus grants office, and the grants reader's perspective how grants are "graded" and what was learned from sitting on the other side of the table.

As an early childhood director, Woland Payne has been writing successful grants for many years and has also served as a grants reader for the U.S. Department of Education on two separate occasions.

The National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers is a nonprofit educational membership organization whose mission is to support research and activities affecting college and university early childhood education and service settings, family and work issues, and the field of early childhood education in general.

Rebecca A. Horn, group leader, and Sonya K. Kellogg, assistant group leader, also attended the conference, which attracted directors and staff of campus-based early childhood programs from around the United States and Canada.

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