Penn College News

Informal Get-Together Kicks Off 'Career Fair' Prep Week

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Students and Career Services staff enjoy refreshments in Penn's Inn Danielle M. Liddic, nontraditional support/career development specialist, makes clear her student advocacy, Students review Career Fair lead-in activitiesCareer Services staff served well over 200 students at the Career Fair pre-event activities held Tuesday at Penn's Inn. The event, which included free food, fun and great conversation, kicked off a series of activities that will culminate in the March 23-24 Career Fair. Students in need of Career Fair preparations should stop by the office (CC, Room 202) on Monday for the "JAM Session" find out which companies are coming, make those last-minute resume repairs, learn how to network and much more! Photos by Dana R. Suter, job location and development coordinator