Radiography Students' Artwork Marks X-Rays' Anniversary
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
In recognition of Radiologic Technology Week, the radiography students used their creative talents to make display boards for each of the hospitals affiliated with Penn College's Radiography Program. X-radiation was discovered on Nov. 8, 1895, by Wilhelm Roentgen; the technology celebrated its 114th anniversary during the week of Nov. 8-14. The professionals in this field used to be referred to as X-ray technicians, but, as time has passed and many new modalities and technological advances have increased, they are now known as radiographers or imaging technologists. Some of the professions under the title of "medical imaging" include diagnostic imaging, interventional radiography, computed tomography (CT), mammography, sonography (ultrasound), nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Photos and information provided by Karen L. Plankenhorn, clinical supervisor, radiography