Penn College News

Visiting Survivor Gives Voice to the Unspeakable

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

With a projected concentration-camp diagram as his backdrop, the Rev. Hermann Scheipers weaves a compelling saga An ACC Auditorium crowd earnestly listens With faith and fervor, and his interpreter by his side, a survivor keeps his unforgettable story aliveThe Rev. Hermann Scheipers, a German Catholic priest who survived life in the Dachau concentration camps and, at age 96, continues to vibrantly tell the tale spoke to a standing-room-only audience in Klump Academic Center on Monday evening. His visit, sponsored by the International Programs Office and arranged by Steven J. Moff, associate professor of business administration/marketing, also was covered in Tuesday's Williamsport Sun-Gazette.
Photos by Jessica L. Tobias, student photographer