Penn College News

Little League Cookout / Grand Slam Parade

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Penn College had a pervasive presence in Thursday's Grand Slam Parade, which kicks off the Little League Baseball World Series and stepped off at 6 p.m. northwest of campus. Among those in Division Three of the parade – which follows West Fourth Street eastward to Market – were Penn College President Davie Jane Gilmour, players and coaches on the college's conference-champion baseball squad, vehicles from the Penn College Motorsports Association and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers' Mini-Baja team, the Wildcat mascot, and a cohort of ambassadors, freshmen and alumni. The campus community showed its Penn College Pride; the parade also was broadcast live on WVIA television and covered via this PCToday photo gallery.

— Photos by Jennifer A. Cline and Tom Wilson, news bureau writer/editors