Penn College News

Campus Role Models Honored as 'Stars of Influence'

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Role models can be examples of how to discover and realize your own unique talents, an inspiration to do more, to be more authentic. A role model – a "Star of Influence' – is a must for all, especially in the eyes of college students as emerging leaders. It is a great help. Unconsciously we all have one. It is something which inspires us and touches the core of our heart. Even before we learn to think, role models start talking to us, channeling our energy in a particular direction. Role models motivate us and we feel really happy about it. The Senior Resident Assistant and Resident Assistant are paraprofessional staff members of the Office of Residence Life. The role they play is an integral part in the overall operation of the residence halls. Primarily, they are concerned with the growth and development of each student on his/her floor and the building community as a whole. In order to be selected as a staff member, candidates must exhibit a wide range of leadership skill and ability, along with the potential to sharpen and enhance those traits. The Office of Residence Life realizes that, behind every great SRA/RA, someone on campus has made a difference in their lives as a "Star of Influence." Residence Life recently sponsored a "Making a Difference Stars of Influence" program. Each paraprofessional staff member was asked to nominate a "Star of Influence" from the campus community. Each staff member handcrafted a thank-you card that was hand-delivered to each recipient, along with a "Star of Influence" clock in recognition of the impact that individual has had on their life. The recipients are listed below after the name of the nominating SRA/RA, along with a quote from the nominator:

  • RA Jaime Ackerman: Penny Lutz, Madigan Library gallery assistant "I couldn't have asked for a more encouraging, supportive or sweet boss!"

  • RA Temilade Agboola: Nancy Bowers, associate professor of mathematics "She always says a positive statement about me and she always encourages me, and she believes in me."

  • RA Anthony Breighner: Kyle Hunter, instructor of mathematics "Makes math fun for me and has a good attitude about teaching."

  • RA Davis Brittany: Kas Williams, coordinator of residence life "Kas has taken the leadership role with a positive and productive mind-set."

  • RA Tuesday Brown: Pat Scheib, academic skills specialist "Ms. Pat has been there in my time of need, given me the greatest advice."

  • RA Kaitlyn Charmbury: Jennifer Hammond, coordinator of tutoring "Jen is the reason why the atmosphere in the Tutoring Center is so positive."

  • RA Jordan Enders: Lisa Bock, assistant professor of computer information technology "Lisa Bock is always extremely enthusiastic about class and anything her students are involved in."

  • RA Jeffrey Eshenour: Ed Owens, assistant dean of integrated studies-liberal arts "Professor Owens has an incredible heart for students."

  • RA Alesha Frazier: Lisa Bock "Lisa Bock is always the most excited one in class. You can tell that she loves what she does."

  • RA John Gearhart: Dan Rockwell, workforce development consultant "Dan has been an amazing help. He has helped me in leadership and making sure that I live a life without regrets."

  • RA Alyssa Giedroc: Doreen Shannon, secretary to the coordinator of disability services "Doreen has a positive attitude and believes in me."

  • SRA Julianne Grega: Mike Hersh, assistant director for programmingm Student Activities "Mike has always been encouraging, as well as helped me find some great leadership opportunities that have impacted my life during my time here at Penn College."

  • RA Anthony Grubbs: Lynn Doane, custodian, residence halls "Lynn is always in a good mood when I see him. He does his job with care and is super friendly."

  • RA Megan Hawn: Kate Wetzel, Admissions Office secretary "Kate has an encouraging and positive attitude."

  • RA Christie Henning: Liz Verbos, coordinator of admissions and enrollment event services/admissions representative "Liz always has a positive attitude and encourages me to be my best."

  • RA Charles Herman, Jr.: Brandon Penglase, technical support analyst "Since I first came to (Penn College), Brandon has become a big influence to strive harder and learn more. He has also shown me that you can never fail at something if you strive hard enough for it."

  • RA Ashlin Hollinger: Ed Owens "Always a positive encouragement, serving Penn College students with an open-door policy that suggests friendship, as well as academics."

  • RA Bradley Jackson: Kas Williams "Kas has come into a new position and drastically encouraged and motivated the entire staff."

  • RA Tiffany James: Don Luke, facilities supervisor "Don has put so much extra effort into helping us with recycling and stayed positive through it all!"

  • RA Cody Kanouff: Katie Mackey, coordinator of residence life "I had the chance to be a summer RA this past summer and Katie was willing to help me all summer and kept her patience while I was learning RA skills."

  • RA Marissa Koch: Katie Mackey "Katie and I went through a lot last year. Katie and I had meetings for RHA and it was even more than that."

  • SRA Jason Kovach: Ricardo Surita, director of residence life "He has always been supportive of me and values my opinion."

  • RA Larissa Kryder: Carl Shaner, Student Health Center director "Carl always knows how to brighten your day and really makes you feel at home here at Penn College. He is an amazing health-care provider and genuinely cares about the students here."

  • RA Matthew Miller: Janice Overdorf, food service worker, Wildcat Express "Always having a smile on her face and being a hard worker."

  • RA Meagan Morris: Ron Kodish, assistant professor of f itness andfifetime sports/physical fitness specialty "Coach Kodish is one of the best coaches I have ever had. He went way above the call of duty and was always there for his players."

  • RA Thaddeus Naglak: Joesph "Mike" Schilling, instructor of collision repair "Mike was my paint teacher last semester. He has influenced me to be a full-time painter."

  • RA MaryJo Nonnemacher: Chuck O'Brien, police officer "Officer O'Brien helps build community within Rose Street and makes us feel safe. He has a wealth of knowledge about fire safety and has a genuine concern for the safety of the Rose Street residents."

  • RA Adetoye Ogundoyin: Curt VanderVere, assistant professor of mathematics "Van has always been a funny and entertaining math professor, a character to keep you awake in math class."

  • RA Megan Pennington: Mike Hersh "Mike is a go-to person. He has always been reliable, He has gone above and beyond his job and I know someone I'll never forget. That is why I nominated him."

  • SRA John Phillippy: Charlene Peter, Admissions Office assistant "Your awesome personality and great sense of humor make you very fun to be around. Also, your ability to treat everyone the same no matter how you feel makes you one of a kind."

  • RA Louis Rizzo: Harry Hintz, instructor of construction technology "You've given me a solid foundation in an area of expertise that I had no prior knowledge of. Without your dedication, I would not be a student here anymore, let alone a Pulte Homes National Champion!"

  • RA Rachel Ruhl: Sarah Verrastro, shipping and receiving worker/operations clerk, food services "She is very encouraging and is always smiling. She brightens my day every time I see her."

  • RA Azeez Salu: Loren Bruckhart, lecturer, collision repair "Always asking how my classes are going. If I have a problem, has always gives me good advice which I find to be helpful."

  • RA Corey Shank: Liz Verbos "Liz is an easygoing boss that helps me out in any possible way."

  • RA Sarah Shott: Barbara Fisher, lecturer, developmental mathematics "Barbara is a very upbeat person. She was very helpful and always willing to go above and beyond."

  • RA Benaiah Tucci: Lynn Doane "Very hard-working, diligent, keeps a great attitude and is fun to be around."

  • SRA Zachary Wagner: Katie Mackey "Katie always takes the time to make a difference in the lives of those around her. She is a great mentor and friend."

  • RA Joshua Wilson: Don Caldwell, police officer "Always in a friendly mood."

"It is always helpful when we take responsibility for the roles we all play in shaping young people's lives," noted Ricardo Surita, residence life director. "The list, of course, is endless, because I'd like to think that, although it sounds like a cliché, it is true that we're all 'Stars of Influence' in someone's eyes. Most people often claim that they have no desire to be a role model, but the fact is that many of us don't have any choice either: being in the public eye makes us such. As American author Robert Fulgham once said, 'Don't worry that children never listen to you. Worry that they are always watching you.' Students are watching, listening and learning from each of us every day."