Penn College News

'Senior Day' Observed for Baseball, Softball and Archery Teams

Monday, April 28, 2008

Baseball seniors join their parents at Williamsport's historic Bowman Field Sarah Wilson with her parents and, at left, archery coach Chad Karstetter Softball seniors gather with parents near the Athletic Field Seniors on the men's baseball, women's softball and archery teams were honored over the weekend. in the Athletics Department's continuing efforts to recognize graduating members of Penn College's 15 varsity sports. Honored for baseball were Dan Preston, Mike McCloskey, Cody Lytle, Courtney Shreiner, Doug Sponseller and James Woodring; archery, Sarah Wilson; and softball, Ann Marie Prosser, Michelle McNett, Melissa Berrier, Renee Craig, Lauren Fuller and Amber Harry.
Photos by Jessica L. Tobias and Katelyn E. Koch, student photographers