Penn College News

College Staff Member Chosen for 'Who's Who' Publication

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Henriette K. EvansHenriette K. Evans, Act 101 academic and career specialist in the Office of Academic Support Services at Pennsylvania College of Technology, has been selected for inclusion in Biltmore's "Who's Who Among Executives and Professional Women" and "2008 Honors Edition."

Biltmore "Who's Who" provides biographies of notable business leaders and successful professionals located within North America.

Evans received a master's degree in biology from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and has done graduate studies in England, Germany and Japan. She also did research work in molecular biology with Harvard Medical School for four years.

She has been employed at Penn College for 18 years, initially as an adjunct faculty member in the Biology Department. She also serves as co-adviser for the Multicultural Society student organization. Evans is a board member of the Pennsylvania Association for Developmental Educators. She edits and publishes the association's biannual newsletter: The Informer.

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