Colleges' Business Honor Societies Co-Sponsor Financial Speaker
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The business honor societies of Penn College (Sigma Beta Delta) and Lycoming College (Delta Mu Delta) co-sponsored a guest speaker Barbara Hudock, from Hudock Moyer Wealth Management in Williamsport Tuesday night in the SASC Presentation Room. A "meet and greet" with refreshments was held at 6 p.m.; followed by a presentation and question-and-answer session. "The officers and student members of Sigma Beta Delta, the business program honor society at Penn College, are delighted to be able to participate with our counterparts at Lycoming College, Delta Mu Delta, in sponsoring this program," said Irwin H. Siegel, professor of business administration/business law. "We look forward to continued joint efforts on the part of both honor societies, which will benefit the college communities and the community as a whole."