Penn College News

Business Professor Among Presenters at International Conference

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Gerald D. 'Chip' BaumgardnerAn associate professor of business administration at Pennsylvania College of Technology was among the presenters at the 64th Conference of the International Atlantic Economic Society held recently in Savannah, Ga.

Gerald D. "Chip" Baumgardner presented a paper titled "Teaching Industry Structure in Economics: Cooperative Learning in an Online Environment."

Baumgardner's research incorporated his Managerial Economics class into work done for the Teaching Innovation Program funded through the American Economic Association. TIP seeks to improve education in economics by offering college and university economics instructors an opportunity to expand their teaching skills and participate in workshops and online learning.

Baumgardner holds a bachelor's degree from The Pennsylvania State University, master's degrees from Penn State and Shippensburg University, and a doctorate from George Mason University.

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