Penn College News

Employees Reminded of College Policies on Harassment, Sexual Harassment

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pennsylvania College of Technology is committed to providing an environment in which all employees are able to work in a professional atmosphere that is free of unlawful discrimination and inappropriate behavior. Employees are reminded of the College's policies on Harassment (Policy 3.02.24) and Sexual Harassment (Policy 3.02.01), which establish the rights and responsibilities of all employees relating to working in and maintaining a respectful and professional work environment.

Both policies can be accessed at and Procedures/Personnel/3.02.24 and 3.02.01. If you do not have easy access to a computer, you can obtain copies of these policies from the college's Human Resources Office (SASC, Room 2011) or by calling ext. 2244.

Please take time now to review the Harassment and Sexual Harassment policies to ensure that you are familiar with the contents of both policies. Policy content includes a description of behaviors that can constitute sexual harassment and harassment; who is covered under these policies; how to report an incident of harassment, sexual harassment or other inappropriate conduct (and your obligation for doing so); steps the college may take to resolve harassment complaints; and the prohibition against any form of retaliation against individuals who report or participate in an investigation of harassment.

If you have questions relating to harassment, sexual harassment or other inappropriate behavior in the workplace, there are several persons you can turn to: your direct supervisor or an administrator in your operational unit or the Director of Human Resources: Employment & EEO. Still other alternatives are provided in the policies: Section IV Reporting an Incident of Sexual Harassment in Policy 3.02.01 and Section IV Reporting an Incident of Harassment in Policy 3.02.24.

If you have staff who do not regularly access PCToday, please print and post copies of this reminder.