Penn College News

Penn College Names Chief Student Affairs Officer

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Ward W. CaldwellWard W. Caldwell has been named special assistant to the president for student affairs at Pennsylvania College of Technology, a special mission affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University.

The appointment of Caldwell, who had been director of residence life at the college, was approved Thursday by the Penn College Board of Directors.

College President Davie Jane Gilmour said Caldwell, whose selection was recommended by a search committee, will function as the college's chief student affairs officer. He will become vice president for student affairs upon completion of his doctoral degree. The college's previous vice president for student affairs, Jill S. Landesberg-Boyle, left earlier this year to become president of Florida Keys Community College.

"Ward has served the college well − and demonstrated his commitment to students − as director of residence life," Gilmour said. "He has the skills, leadership abilities and dedication needed to succeed in this new role. I look forward to working with him to enhance the overall student experience at Penn College."

"The chief student affairs officer plays a vital role in the creation of a living and learning environment on campus that encourages and nurtures student development," Caldwell said. "The position is attractive because I get to work in a student-centered environment that values creativity, hard work and a vibrant campus culture. It is my hope to be a catalyst for continued success to what is already a strong and integral division at Penn College, providing the necessary tools and resources to a dedicated and experienced staff as they meet the needs of our student body."

A native of Bay Village, Ohio, Caldwell has been director of residence life since August 2005. He came to Penn College from Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, where he served as associate dean of student life/director of residence life and judicial programs since 1997.

Previously, Caldwell was area coordinator/residence life specialist for Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio, from 1993-95. He also served as director of student activities at Sheldon Jackson College, Sitka, Alaska, from 1992-93.

He earned a bachelor's degree in marketing from Miami (Ohio) University and a master's degree in sociology from the University of Toledo.

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