Penn College News

'Daughters and Sons to Work' Day Observed on Campus

Friday, April 27, 2007

Allison M. Kruzik, a radiography major from Lansford (left), instructs a visitor to the School of Health Sciences A young guest inspects plastic pellets prior to molding in an Industrial and Engineering Technologies lab Kirk M. Cantor, professor of plastics technology, shares a newly molded plastic keychain fob Nicholas D. Sura, of Larksville, a plastics and polymer engineering technology student, with a guest about to make the next keychain fob with the injection molding machine Nearly 30 guests took part in Thursday's "Take Our Daughters & Sons to Work" Day, which encouraged girls and boys to think now about how they can begin shaping their futures. Themed "Revolutionizing the Workplace," this year's 15th anniversary observance included visits to specific career areas at Penn College such as radiography and plastics job-shadowing with parents and mentors, and lunch with President Davie Jane Gilmour.
Photos by Amanda M. Williamson, part-time student photographer