Penn College News

WEB Announces Executive Board for Coming Year

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wildcat Events Board announces 2007-08 officersThe Wildcat Events Board is a student-run organization dedicated to providing educational and social programs that complement, reflect and respond to the Penn College community. Programs by WEB this year included the Snowball, "Take It or Leave It" game shows, Wildcat Bingo, Stuff-a-Plush and Gel Candles for your valentine, comedian Juston McKinney, and much, much more! Executive Board members have been announced for the 2007-08 academic year:Mark Capellazzi, chairperson; Julianne Grega, business coordinator; Briana Woodland, advertising coordinator; and Ashley Stuck, events coordinator. WEB is open to all students interested in providing entertainment for the Penn College community. Members choose the best performers, plan, coordinate and organize events. Enthusiastic volunteers always are sought to help provide the best programming. Come out and "choose your entertainment" at the next WEB meeting, 7 p.m. Mondays in CC, Room114, or contact any Executive Board member if you have an idea for an event at Penn College.