Penn College News

Text-Messaging Tool Available to Employees

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Information Technology Services announces the rollout of a new communication tool for Penn College employees: Microsoft Office Communicator.

Communicator is an instant-messaging program that allows employees to have real-time text conversations with on-campus co-workers.

Please note that Communicator is intended to supplement, not replace, the college's existing communications channels such as e-mail and telephone. As a mechanism for improved collaboration among employees, instant messaging is restricted to on-campus use and will not work with external systems such as AIM.

Check the ITS Document Library for "Communicator Basics," a quick start guide to adding contacts and sending instant messages.

The ITS Help Desk can answer any questions you have about using Communicator's text messaging and application sharing functions; however, the audio and video conferencing features are not supported at the present time. Instructions for using Communicator are also available within the application by selecting "Help Topics" from the Help menu.