Penn College News

State-of-the-Art Drilling Rig Visits Campus

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

State-of-the-art mobile drilling rig draws crowd to CAL parking lot. (by Ashlin R. Hollinger, casual part-time student photographer)Schramm Inc. brought a state-of-the-art mobile drilling rig to Penn College on Tuesday. The model T130XD rig was at the Earth Science Center in the morning and, later,attracted quite a crowd outside College Avenue Labs.

Schramm Inc., based in West Chester, manufactures Rotadrill truck, trailer, and track-mounted mobile drilling rigs for a wide range of applications in the drilling industry. More information is available online.

The company provided six scholarship awards of $2,500 each for Penn College students in the current academic year. Jim Dolan, Schramm's vice president of operations, says the T130XD mobile drilling rig features sophisticated hydraulics, electronically controlled deck engines, compressors that generate high-pressure air in large volumes, extensive welding and machining, and numerous subsystems.