Penn College News

Students Benefit From In-House Tips on Video Production

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

James R. Dougherty guides students through video-production discussion Students gather in Penn's Inn for 'Late Latte' presentation The School of Business and Computer Technologies hosted an informal "Late Latte" session for approximately 100 students Tuesday afternoon. The program, held at Penn's Inn, featured a discussion by James R. Dougherty, digital media developer in Instructional Technology/Distance Learning, on "Best Practices for Producing/Editing Video." It was designed to provide guidance for the students on video production, as some of them will be entering a Computer Security Awareness Video Contest sponsored by Educause. Anyone may enter the contest; however, students enrolled in the "Fundamentals of Info Security" class will focus their energies in building awareness of computer security problems by creating a two-minute video.