Penn College News

Penn College Financial Aid Office Sponsors Veterans Outreach Event

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

CareerLink's Allen Hubler listens to a question from a Pennsylvania College of Technology student-veteran during a Jan. 16 outreach event in Penn's Inn.Pennsylvania College of Technology's Financial Aid Office recently held a one-stop event at which student-veterans could learn about a variety of educational and financial benefits.

"When speaking with Penn College student-veterans about their educational benefits, we realized that they are unaware of the many outside resources available to them," said Marcia H. Campbell, the college's financial aid specialist for veterans affairs and federal work study. "As a new initiative, we invited a variety of offices that provide veterans' benefits to students. These experts addressed topics that would be important to the veterans in achieving their educational goals. The response from the students has been extremely positive."

Janet Hooper, guidance counselor for the Pennsylvania Army National Guard, explains services to student-veterans.More than 40 people attended the Jan. 16 session in the Bush Campus Center, hearing from a variety of representatives of related agencies: Janet Hooper, guidance counselor for the Pennsylvania Army National Guard; Donald L. Cohick, from the Lycoming County Office of Veterans Affairs; Allen Hubler, Pennsylvania CareerLink; Lori Raffensberger, on behalf of the Williamsport Vet Center; and, from the ROTC, Capt. Christopher Griffiths, Capt. Cliff Morales and Sgt. First Class Chris Lownes.

"It's great that (Penn College) is reaching out to veterans. With a large number of veterans populating this campus, we need to know the college stands with us and is willing to help," said Nicholas D. Guzenski, of Middleburg, an Army sergeant and an environmental technology management student in the college's School of Natural Resources Management. "I was very impressed with the informational session, and hope it is just a preview of things to come."

For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at (800) 367-9222 or visit online.