If you want to sharpen your computer skills and avoid winter boredom, Pennsylvania College of Technology's North Campus near Wellsboro will offer several easy-to-learn computer courses beginning in February.
The courses are taught by qualified instructors at a comfortable pace for all levels of adult learners. The small, noncredit classes are held from 6 to 9 p.m. in a relaxed classroom environment, allowing students to learn, experiment and ask questions throughout the evening.
The courses and dates are:
- Introduction to Personal Computing Feb. 6 and 13
- Microsoft XP Feb. 27 and March 6
- Microsoft Word Level I Feb. 1 and 8
- Microsoft Word Level II March 20 and 27
- QuickBooks Level I April 24 and May 1
- Advanced QuickBooks May 1 and 8
- Microsoft Excel Level I Feb. 15 and 22
- Microsoft Excel Level II March 15 and 22
- Microsoft Access Level I April 19 and 26
- Microsoft PowerPoint March 1 and 8
- Fundamentals of Building Web Pages April 3, 10 and 17
All of the computer courses are eligible for Act 48 credit. The cost for all is $99 except Fundamentals of Building Web Pages, which is $159.
In addition, a Computer Camp for Senior Citizens will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on March 21 and 28. This fun course will introduce the computer for enjoyment purposes. The cost is $69. Free and convenient street-level parking is available at the rear of the building.
For more information, or to register, contact the North Campus at (570) 724-7703.