Penn College News

Pay-Stub Option Added to Employee Information System

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

ITS and Accounting Operations announce two changes to the Employee Information System.

For several months, you have had the ability to view your paycheck information through EIS. Due to therecent announcement that all Penn College employees will be paid through direct deposit, the system has been enhanced to automatically send you an e-mail each payday. This e-mail willlet you know when the most currentpayroll information is available for viewingthrough EIS.

Because you will be paid through direct deposit and because EIS provides all of the information typically printed on a pay stub, you may decide that you would rather not receive a paper stub. Therefore, an EIS function has been added to allow you to choose not to have your pay stub printed.Choosing this optionwill further reduce paper use and save the labor involved in printing and distributing pay stubs.

This new function is available through the "View/Change My Preferences" option.When you click on that option, you can choose either "Print my pay stub" or "Do NOT print my pay stub." After making your selection, click on "Submit." If you do nothing, your pay-stub information will continue to be printed and mailed to your office.

The new "View/Change My Preferences" option currently has only one function, but it will be expanded in the future as more customizable preferences are added to EIS.

Look for the globe icon on your desktop or use this link to log on to EIS now.