Penn College News

College Family's Military Service Saluted for Veterans Day

Friday, November 10, 2006

Penn College honors its military veterans.On this Veterans Day weekend, PCToday honors the Penn College students, staff and faculty that have served (or continue to serve) our country.

Originally known as Armistice Day, the observance marked the end of "The Great War" (World War I) at 11 a.m. Nov. 11, 1918: "The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month."

Members of the campus community are encouraged to join in saluting these selfless colleagues along with alumni and the friends and families of Penn College students and employees who are among those we honor this weekend for their military service.


  • Dana C. Ackard, Army, four years

  • Michael J. Baker, sergeant, Army Reserve, four years' service with four years left

  • Kristen E. Chase, still in Army Reserve, served in Iraq from February 2004-February 2005 with a unit out of Baltimore

  • James R. Colley, airman first class, Air Force, two years

  • Tyrone Ellison, Army, three years

  • Nickolas A. Falvo, Marine Corps, 1997-2001

  • Barry L. Farr, Navy, 1982-92

  • Larry J. Faulkner, Navy, 1990-95

  • Dale E. Gower Jr., Marine Corps infantry from August 1991-August 1997

  • John E. Green, Army, four years

  • Suzanne A. Hassenplug, sergeant, Marine Corps, active duty from 1991-95, reserve from 1999-2001

  • Shawn A. Heddings, Army, five years, Operations Iraqi Freedom, Desert Spring and Joint Guardian

  • Christopher M. Hockman, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, 10 years

  • Kyle A. Hoffman, served two years in active-duty Army, currently in Army Reserve

  • James A. Hunsinger, Army Reserve, seven years, still serving

  • Curtis E. Ianaro, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, four and a half years

  • Sarah E. Ianaro, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, four years

  • James D. Kash, still serving in Pennsylvania Army National Guard, activated from January 2004-April 2005, stationed in Iraq

  • Renee L. Kerr, Navy, 17 years (active and reserves)

  • Kevin L. King Jr., cadet, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, stationed in Williamsport with B. Company 4/103rd Infantry, 2003-present

  • Richard J. Kluck Jr., Navy, honorably discharged after serving 2002-06

  • Jason R. Kornbau, Army, 2000-current, served in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom

  • Stephen L. Lachat, Army Reserve, eight years

  • Bryan N. Laubach, Air Force, active duty from May 1989-October 1996; Naval Reserve, December 2001-August 2003; Pennsylvania Army National Guard, August 2003-present (still drilling); returned from Iraq on June 18 after one and a half years of service

  • Lance E. Lepley, Air Force, four years' active duty

  • Edward L. Lindquist, staff sergeant, Army, 11 years

  • George E. Logue, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, five years

  • MacLean G. Lunko, Marine Corps, four years

  • Kelly A. McDevitt, Navy, nearly 21 years

  • James A. Martinez, Marine Corps, active duty from 2000-04, Individual Ready Reserve from 2004-current

  • Eric A. Maschuck, Army, six years

  • Timothy R. Milholin, Marine Corps, four years

  • Corey F. Mills, Pennsylvania National Guard, four years (including one year overseas)

  • David E. Norwood, Air Force, six years

  • Kevin H. Paugh, Marine Corps, three years

  • Kent A. Peacock, Air Force, four years

  • Richard A. Phillips, Air Force, retired in 2005 after 26 years' active-duty service

  • Matthew E. Plank, Navy, eight years

  • Candice L. Poff, Pennsylvania Air National Guard, six years? service

  • Terri M. Price, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, two years

  • Cindy L. Rosancrans, Army, two years' active duty

  • Andrew J. Rosenbaum, Air Force, September 2001-September 2005

  • Robert S. Schnars, staff sergeant; six years' Marine Corps service, six years in Pennsylvania Army National Guard (Infantry)

  • Laura B. Shoemaker, Navy, three and a half years

  • Susan W. Smyth, active-duty Army, 1986-90

  • William J. Stachnik, Coast Guard, two years

  • Jeffrey W. Swank, sergeant, Air Force, honorably discharged

  • John V. Tedder, currently serving, Army National Guard

  • Vincent A. Valoroso, Navy; machinery repairman, petty officer second class; June 1986-August 1994

  • William J. Wagner, sergeant, current member, Pennsylvania National Guard; six years' service(Army and National Guard)

  • Christopher D. Wilkening, technical sergeant, Air Force Special Operations, 11 years active, four years reserve (ending in January 2007)

  • Andray T. Williams, Army National Guard, four years' service, returned from Iraq in June

  • Eric W. Young, Air Force, 21 years

  • Donald R. Zerbe, National Guard out of Williamsport since May 2001, served in Iraq from December 2003-March 2005


  • Danna M. Brooks, Air Force, four years (also a student)

  • Clifford P. Coppersmith, 12 years, Army reserve

  • Randall K. Curry, Air Force, 10 years

  • Charles A. Duda, Navy, four years

  • Raymond J. Fischer, sergeant first class, retired from Army Reserve

  • Monica B. Freeman, Army, 1980-84 (also a student)

  • Russell J. Griffis, Army, 1972-79, served during the Vietnam War

  • Norman L. Hager II, Air Force staff sergeant, honorably discharged after active duty from 1991-95; four years' inactive reserve; served during the Gulf War

  • Bill H. Herald, sergeant, Pennsylvania Army National Guard, 1957-65

  • John J. Kehoe, Navy; two years active, four years reserve

  • Charles A. Kern, Air Force, four years; Air National Guard, four years

  • Joseph O. King, currently in National Guard, senior at South Williamsport Area High School, graduated in August from boot camp in Knoxville, Ky., working in the Susquehanna Room

  • David L. Mauck, Coast Guard, Oct. 2, 1978-Oct. 1, 1982, and Pennsylvania Army National Guard, October 1982-October 1985

  • Larry L. Michael, Air Force, 1968-72

  • Walter D. Nyman, Army, September 1967-September 1970

  • Heidi A. Samsel, Air Force, 1989-92

  • Robert Slothus, Air Force, 1971-74

  • Nathan D. Smyth, 20 years' active duty, Army

  • Kimberly A. Venti, Air Force, four years

  • Steve H. Wallace, Army, retired with 20 years

  • James L. Williams Sr., Army, 20 years

  • Colin W. Williamson, Navy commander, 20 years


  • David C. Dietrick, Navy, 1966-70

  • Dennis R. Dorward, Army, three years

  • Stephen T. Duna, Marine Corps, four years' honorable service

  • Lawrence W. Emery Jr., Air Force, 1966-70 (Vietnam era)

  • Bruce Emig, Army, two years

  • Terry A. Girdon, Army, 28 years, retired as a colonel

  • Walter V. Gower, Marine Corps and Marine Corps Reserve, 22 years

  • Edgar A. Hollingsworth, Army and Army Reserve, 1972-92

  • Kenneth C. Kuhns, Air Force, July 1972-July 4, 1976

  • Walter J. Landen, Navy captain (retired), 1966-92

  • Joseph Loehr, Air Force, 1968-72

  • Eugene M. McAvoy, Navy, 1980-88

  • Matthew P. McMahon, lieutenant junior grade, active Navy Reserve, 11 years of naval service

  • Robert I. Mitchell, Air Force, 22 years

  • Dennis P. Skinner, Marine Corps, 1976-79

  • David J. Slavish, Navy, 1988-93 (cryptologic technician)

  • William H. Sprinsky, Army Corps of Engineers, 24 years

  • Dennis R. Williams, Army, six years

  • Thomas Zimmerman, Navy Reserve, 30 years