Penn College News

Act 101 Staff Member Coordinates Regional Fall 2006 Workshop

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Henriette K. EvansHenriette K. Evans, Act 101 academic and career specialist and the Northeast Regional Representative to the Pennsylvania Association of Developmental Educators' Board of Directors, coordinated the Fall 2006 Workshop Oct. 20 at Marywood University.

Twenty-eight participants from universities and colleges across Pennsylvania attended the full-day workshop, "Disability Services, Higher Education and YOU."

Topics on the agenda included:

  • Transition to college and strategies to help students disclose. What is the effect of the Rehabilitation Act?
  • Documentation: new AHEAD guidelines
  • Are we serving more students with mental-health issues and psychiatric disabilities?
  • Legal and policy issues: How are we responding to that challenging change in higher education? How can we engage the faculty and administration into the process? What are the effects of budget restrictions?
  • What is the Universal Design for Instruction?

For more information about the PADE Northeastern region, please contact Evans by e-mail.