Penn College News

Penn College Welcomes New Employees

Sunday, October 8, 2006

PCToday continues its regular feature welcoming new full-time and regular part-time Penn College employees, as reported by the Human Resources Office.

Among the latest additions:

  • Elizabeth Webster , Coordinator, Plastics SourceNet, (Temporary), Plastics Manufacturing Center/WDCE, starting Oct. 10
  • Marie Van Ess , Financial Aid Assistant, Financial Aid Office, beginning Oct. 9
  • Brandon Yost , Student Lab Assistant for Environmental Technology, (Regular Part-Time, 172-day calendar), School of Natural Resourcse Management, effective Oct. 9
  • Debra Munro , Assistant Cook, Campus Center, (172-day calendar), Food Services, starts Oct. 9
  • Karen Fischer , Food Service Worker, Susquehanna Room, (Regular Part-Time), Food Services, effective Oct. 4