Penn College News

Student Legacy Gift Largest in College's History

Monday, October 2, 2006

The Penn College Institutional Advancement Office thanks participating student organizations for their support of the Roger and Peggy Madigan Library Campaign.

Gifts totaling $2,750 were donated to help with the costs associated with the recently opened facility on the college's main campus the largest annual gift ever received from students at Penn College.

The funds were generated by nine student organizations: Student Government Association, Occupational Therapy Association, Penn College Construction Association, Construction Management Association, Phi Beta Lambda, Student American Dental Hygienists' Association, Students in Free Enterprise, Student Wildcats of Robotic Design and the Wildcat Power Team.

In recent years, student legacy gifts also have included donations to support scholarships at Penn College.

Penn College SGA executive officers are organizing a steering committee for the 2006-07 Student Legacy Fund. Students interested in helping with this project can contact Penn College annual giving officer Jim Finkler .