Penn College News

'PowerPoint for Pastors' Workshops to Be Offered at North Campus

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Are you a pastor or lay minister who wants to give more effective sermons to your congregation? On Sept. 20 and 27, from 8 a.m. to noon, Pennsylvania College of Technology's North Campus is offering an opportunity to spend two mornings with a dynamic teaching pastor to help you learn to create, manage and deliver more memorable presentations.

Studies indicate the vast majority of people do not remember what they learn from sermons from week to week. Microsoft PowerPoint is a tool that can be used to deliver your message more effectively. If used correctly, PowerPoint can help maintain your audience's interest and increase retention of your important message.

Participants will receive expert instruction on creating exciting content, outlining, drawing, graphing and managing an effective presentation with animations, clip art and sound effects. No experience is necessary. Coffee breaks and time for conversation with other pastors will be included.

This is a noncredit program designed specifically for the North Campus by Workforce Development & Continuing Education at Penn College.

Cost is $89 per person, and a certificate of completion will be issued. Class size is limited, so participants are encouraged to register early.

The North Campus is located three miles east of Wellsboro on Route 6. To register or receive more information, contact the North Campus at (570) 724-7703.