Penn College News

College's Business Majors Formally Accredited

Monday, August 7, 2006

Francesca M. Troutman, Penn College's assistant dean of business and computer technologies, is joined by ACBSP officials for formal acknowledgement of the college's accreditation Penn College officially was awarded accreditation of its accounting and business administration majors during the annual conference of the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs' Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Board of Commissioners. Francesca M. Troutman, assistant dean of business and computer technologies, traveled to Chicago this summer to attend the conference and formally receive the accreditation award. Pictured with her are, from left, Jack Egan, chair, ACBSP Baccalaureate/Graduate Degree Board of Commissioners; Ron DeYoung, asssociate director of accreditation, baccalaureate/graduate degree institutions; and Steve Parscale, director of accreditation. (An earlier article announcing the accreditation is archived here .)