Penn College News

New Web Option Allows Online Order of Parking Permits

Wednesday, August 2, 2006

An option has been added to the Employee Information System allowing full-time faculty and staff to order regular or reserved parking permits through payroll deduction.

The new function headlined Order Parking Permit is available on the EIS Web site, the home of all new and updated AS/400 applications. Once an employee's request is processed, the permit will be sent through interoffice mail in a sealed return envelope.

To log on to EIS, employees should use the same User ID and password they use to access the AS/400. The current menu allows retrieval of payroll and benefit information, and other options are under development.

Questions about logging on to EIS or the AS/400 menu can be directed to the ITS Help Desk. Specific questions about the data reported on any AS/400 or EIS screen should be addressed to the office responsible for that information.