Penn College News

Board Approves Continuing Contribution to City of Williamsport

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Pennsylvania College of Technology Board of Directors on Thursday approved continuing for the 2006-07 fiscal year the college's voluntary $100,000 contribution to the City of Williamsport.

The board's action also continues the provision for $15,000 in tuition credits to city employees. The college's contribution was established during the 2005-06 fiscal year and is to be re-examined annually. It will be paid in $10,000 monthly installments beginning in May.

"I think the relationship between the college and the city is very, very good," Penn College President Davie Jane Gilmour told the board. "In fact, it's as good as it has been in a very long time."

Board meeting summarized for college communityIn other business, the board re-elected its slate of officers for 2006-07: Robert E. Dunham, chairman; Ronna M. Cassotis, vice chair; Kenneth S. Babe, treasurer; Gilmour, secretary; Robert M. Fisher, assistant treasurer; and Valerie A. Baier, assistant secretary.

The board approved adjustments to the Operating, Auxiliary, and Renewal and Replacement Funds to reflect additional revenues and expenditures related to May-term enrollment in excess of budgeted projections, as well as transfers for renovation projects.

The board approved the appointment of the following members and alternates for the Community Arts Center Board of Directors: members, Gilmour, William J. Martin, Fisher, Veronica M. Muzic and Barry R. Stiger; alternates, Robert G. Bowers and Ann Marie Phillips.

The board will hold a special meeting at 4:15 p.m. on July 8 to consider the 2006-07 college budget.

Board meeting dates have been established for 2006-07. They will be Aug. 17, Oct. 12 (at the Lumley Aviation Center), Dec.14, Feb. 8, April 19 and June 21. All meetings (except the October session) will be held at 3 p.m. in the Thompson Professional Development Center.

After the meeting, board members toured the Roger and Peggy Madigan Library to view the ongoing construction firsthand.

"It's really coming to life, and I'm sure you're going to enjoy it," Gilmour said.

The initial Connections freshman-orientation session was a resounding success, Gilmour told the board, with parents and students complimenting the various activities.

"The first-session feedback has been extraordinary," she said.

Before adjourning the session, Dunham noted it would be the final meeting for Muzic (who is retiring) in her capacity as vice president for academic affairs/provost. He said it is "the passing of an era," adding, "she is part of the tapestry of this college."

Muzic's successor, Lizabeth Self Mullens, assumes her duties on June 30. Muzic will remain with the college a while longer to ease the transition.

"We want to say 'Thank you very much' for all that you do for this institution," Dunham said.