Penn College News

New Major Offers Fine Arts Emphasis

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Designed for students who want focused study in the fine arts, an associate degree in studio arts will become part of Pennsylvania College of Technology's offerings for the 2006-07 academic year.

"In contrast to the commercial art emphasis of the college's advertising art and graphic design majors, the studio arts major features the development of hand skills, creativity and foundational knowledge of cultural-historical traditions in the fine arts," Jeffrey J. Vetock, assistant dean of the School of Integrated Studies/programs and natural sciences, explained.

Students develop skills in the production of various art forms and in proper use of tools, equipment and materials. Courses cover two- and three-dimensional design, color, drawing, painting, photography and art history, with electives in such other media as ceramics and wood sculpture. Four successful semesters of study result in an associate of art degree.

"This program has been designed as a 'launch pad' for students interested in pursuing four-year degrees in fine art: Most if not all credits will transfer into a typical four-year program," Vetock said. "At the same time, the studio arts major is an excellent self-contained two-year experience that offers students development of both basic and advanced skills with experienced faculty."

Academic programs students may be able to transfer into at a senior institution include: studio art (painting, sculpture, photography, ceramics, etc.); art education; art therapy; studio assistant; art history; graphic design; or industrial design.

"The decision to offer this major was based on student interest and on the desire to more effectively prepare transfer students for further study in the fine arts," Vetock said.

For more information about the studio arts major and other academic programs offered by Penn College's School of Integrated Studies, call (570) 327-4521, send e-mail or visit on the Web.