Penn College News

Business Professor Presents Paper, Receives Grant Funding

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Gerald D. 'Chip' BaumgardnerAn associate professor of business administration at Pennsylvania College of Technology was a presenter at a recent economics conference and has been awarded grant funding to attend a national professional-development program next month.

Gerald D. "Chip" Baumgardner presented a paper, "Secondary Ticket Pricing: Time to Eliminate the Price Ceilings?" during the 17th annual "Teaching Economics: Instruction and Classroom-Based Research Conference" in February. The three-day event, designed for teachers of college-level economics, was held at Robert Morris University in western Pennsylvania.

Additionally, he received a grant awarded by the National Science Foundation through the American Economic Association to attend AEA's Teaching Innovation Program in Santa Fe., N.M., from June 2-4. The program is sponsored by the association's Committee on Economic Education, which seeks to improve undergraduate education in economics by offering instructors an opportunity to expand their teaching skills and participate in scholarship.

For more information about academic majors offered by the School of Business and Computer Technologies at Penn College, call (570) 327-4512, send e-mail or visit online .