Penn College News

Useful Address-Update Feature Added to SIS

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

A new address information update feature has been added to the Student Information System .

Students now have the ability to change their home (permanent) address, local address and emergency-contact information through the SIS. Previously, only a student's local address could be updated on the site.

The home address is used to mail semester bills, schedules, diplomas and other important college information. The local address is used to contact a student while attending Penn College. This address could be a residence hall or off-campus housing address. The emergency-contact information is used to contact a third party on the student's behalf in the event of a crisis.

All students are encouraged to keep their address information current to assure themselves of timely receipt of important college correspondence. The Registrar's Office encourages all students to visit this new SIS feature and make sure their address information is correct.