Penn College News

Student Chapter of IEEE Wins Regional Web-Site Contest

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

The Penn College student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers has taken first place in the IEEE Region 2 Web Site Contest. Region 2 is comprised of more than 60 student chapters in the states of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia, and Washington D.C.

The students of the Penn College chapter thank Edwin B. Weaver, of Wellsboro, for his help in creating and maintaining the Web site. Weaver is a Penn College student enrolled in information technology-web and applications development.

"I speak for all members of our IEEE section when I say 'Thank you' and 'Great job,'" said Bradley S. Galloway, student chapter vice president.

"Ed's hard work and dedication to detail came through to earn us a spot in the world competition," added Eric A. Maschuck, student chapter treasurer.

The Web site will now be judged in the IEEE Worldwide Web site competition, where it will compete with Web sites from IEEE chapters from around the world.