Penn College News

Employees, Add Your Support to Madigan Library Campaign

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tom WilsonMore and more Penn College employees are adding their support to the Roger and Peggy Madigan Library Campaign. One of them is Tom Wilson, a writer/editor in the college's news bureau. "What writer doesn't dream of having a book on a library shelf, passed from one eager reader to another in the next best thing to immortality? When half-finished short stories and half-baked ideas for novels lie crumpled on the floor, though, it doesn't hurt to have a 'Plan B.' Donating to the Madigan Library provides that lasting alternative, ensuring that authors' voices will continue to be heard, celebrated, encouraged and discovered for generations." For more information on how you can add your support to the Madigan Library Campaign, call the Institutional Advancement Office at ext. 7316 or (570) 320-8000; send e-mail or visit online.