Penn College News

Outdoor Adventure Club Camps on Campus

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Outdoor Adventure Club camps out on campus.The Penn College Outdoor Adventure Club braved cold temperatures and rain Tuesday night camping on the ATHS lawn. Club members had the idea to camp on campus to promote the club and stir up interest.

While only eight members spent the night, several showed up for the free food, music, movies, Frisbee and slack-lining. Anyone who happened to come by was encouraged to eat and have fun. In all, approximately 45 students took part in the event.

The OAC was conceived a year ago by outgoing President Matt Gross. Since then, it has grown into an active Penn College student organization with 40-plus members and regularly scheduled activities including: backpacking, rock-climbing, mountain biking, skiing and more. Several members had never participated in outdoor activities such as those before, but the encouragement and generosity of club members opened up new opportunities and experiences to enjoy the great outdoors and the Pennsylvania countryside. Student Government AssociationExecutive Vice President Kirk Allen described the event like "nothing I have ever seen before at Penn College. This is great! I am pleased that the college agreed to allow this event to take place."

Newly elected club president George King and the other officers are looking forward to an even more active year next year. The club already is planning activities, including another campus camping night in the early fall. Returning students and faculty are encouraged to visit the OAC Web site or contact faculty adviser John Messer for more information.

The club thanks Gross, who will be graduating this spring, for his hard work and determination to make the club a reality. It also thanks Student Activities, Media Services, Food Services, General Services and Penn College Police for their support and assistance with Tuesday's event.