Penn College News

Visiting Author Reads to Learning-Center Children

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lindsay Barrett George and friend entertain Children's Learning Center youngsters Tuesday morning.Author Lindsay Barrett George read her book, "Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse," to the children of the Children's Learning Center at Penn College on Tuesday morning in the Professional Development Center.

The reading is part of the "One Book, Every Young Child" program, Pennsylvania's first-ever collaborative project using the vehicle of a "One Book, One State" program to highlight the importance of early literacy development in preschoolers (ages 3-6 years).

Written by George, a Pennsylvania children's author and illustrator, "Inside Mouse, Outside Mouse" is a story of two mice who live in two different worlds. Story times featuring this book also are being held at area libraries, schools and other public places.

While on campus, the author also spent an hours with students in Penn College's early childhood education and children's literature courses. She talked about how she became an author ofchildren'spicture books and described the "three hats" she wears throughout the process of producing one.

More information on the "One Book, Every Young Child" project, as well as the author, may be obtained The author meets her young audience.Curious children fill the floor of the PDC's Mountain Laurel Room.