Penn College News

Students Install Network Connectors for Area Firm

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Pennsylvania College of Technology students Zachary A. Sites, of Mercersburg (left) and Ryan W. George, of Greenville, recently installed fiber-optic connectors at Moran Industries' warehouse in Williamsport.Two Pennsylvania College of Technology students recently installed fiber-optic connectors for Moran Industries, a Watsontown-based logistics company.

David Rieck, a network engineer for Moran Industries and a Penn College graduate, contacted the college's electronics and computer engineering technology faculty in search of students capable of installing 48 fiber-optic connectors at the company's new warehouse on Wahoo Drive in Williamsport, near Penn College's Advanced Automotive Technology Center.

Rieck is in the process of installing a local area network, which contains a fiber-optic backbone, and he has relied upon the networking expertise of Penn College students in the past. Coincidentally, a fiber optics class, taught by Jeffrey L. Rankinen, associate professor of electronics, had just finished practicing the installation of fiber-optic connectors.

Rankinen recommended two students: Ryan W. George, of Greenville, an electronics engineering technology major; and Zachary A. Sites, of Mercersburg, who majors in electronics technology-communications/fiber optics.

After George and Sites visited the Moran Industries warehouse to see what was needed, Rieck ordered the required supplies. The students worked as a team to install the 48 fiber-optic connectors. After testing the connectors, Rieck connected the fiber-optic backbone, and the network performed as expected.

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