Penn College News

Career Expo Connects Students, Employers

Thursday, March 16, 2006

More than 100 employers have registered for Spring 2006 Career Expo at Pennsylvania College of Technology a major networking event for students seeking full-time positions or cooperative-education opportunities.

This semester's Career Expo will be held from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 21, at the Field House on Penn College's main campus. Students enrolled in the academic majors offered by the School of Health Sciences will meet with employers in the Breuder Advanced Technology and Health Sciences Center.

In addition, students in the academic majors offered by the School of Natural Resources Management will meet on the same day with representatives from more than 50 firms at the Schneebeli Earth Science Center near Allenwood. That session will run from 9 a.m. to noon.

"We are extremely pleased that so many employers are attending to interact with our students regarding full-time career opportunities and cooperative-education placements," said Sharon Waters, director of counseling, career and disability services at Penn College. "We are especially proud that 36 of our employers participating in the March 21 Career Expo are bringing 40 Penn College alumni with them to participate in the recruiting process, attesting to our students' success."

Last fall, more than 100 employers registered for and 700 students participated in the Career Expo event, which is sponsored by the college's Counseling and Career Services Office.

Students planning to attend Career Expos are instructed to bring their Penn College identification cards to streamline the check-in procedure.

The students receive a booklet of employer information, along with a map showing where the employers' displays and representatives can be found.

Participants are advised to bring multiple copies of their resumes, to dress professionally and to be prepared to speak with employers about their qualifications for the positions that are available.

To view a list of employers who will be represented at the Career Expo, visit online.

For more information about Career Expos at Penn College, call (570) 327-4502 or send e-mail.

Students interested in attending The Pennsylvania State University's Career Days Event , please review information regarding this March 28 event.