Penn College News

Williamsport Symphony Orchestra Moves Offices to Arts Center

Monday, March 13, 2006

The offices of the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra have found a new home at the facility in which the orchestra performs the Community Arts Center.

The WSO took up residence on the third floor of the Arts Center in late February, moving there from Market Street in Williamsport.

"We are delighted to welcome the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra to the third-floor office suites at the Community Arts Center," said Rob Steele, the Arts Center's executive director. "I am certain that both organizations will achieve great synergy through collaborative efforts in programming and promotion of the arts. I have great admiration for the WSO's commitment to its mission of providing a high-quality, symphonic experience to the regional community."

Valerie Whyman, the symphony's executive director, paid tribute to the owners of the facility that previously was home to the WSO.

"After many years at 360 Market St., in a space generously provided by the Phillips family (of Phillips Supply House), we will now be in the same building that hosts our concerts," she said. "The Phillips family has been a source of tremendous support to the WSO since its inception, and we are forever indebted to them. Space does not allow us to list all that they have provided us over the years, and we will miss them greatly."

The WSO's phone number will remain the same: (570) 322-0227. Its mailing address will be Williamsport Symphony Orchestra, 220 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, PA 17701.

Whyman said the staff of the WSO is delighted with the new location.

"It is a beautiful place to work and makes our operation go much smoother, now that the administration and the concerts take place in one building," she said. "Penn College has been exceptionally accommodating in assisting with the physical move and with ongoing technical support. Rob Steele has made us feel very much at home, and we greatly look forward to a mutually beneficial working relationship."

Steele said the Arts Center will consider accommodating other organizations that need space downtown.

"We remain ready to handle inquiries from other arts-oriented or nonprofit groups who would benefit from having a physical presence in the amazing arts community of downtown Williamsport," he said.

Members of the WSO include award-winning authors, composers, educators, entertainers and recording artists. They have been engaged in music projects heard around the world, participating in major film soundtracks and working behind artists ranging from Mantovani to the stars of Motown.

The WSO adds more concerts to the calendar every year, as well as more radio and television broadcasts. Robin Fountain has been the WSO's musical director and conductor since 1992.

For more information about the WSO, visit online . M ore information about the Community Arts Center is available here.