Penn College News

Governance Lists Highlights for February

Tuesday, March 7, 2006

Penn College's internal Governance system recaps the major issues addressed last month in this committee-by-committee roundup:

Full-Time Employees, Please NoteDue to circumstances beyond our control, the Governance elections process is extremely behind schedule. Within the next three weeks, we will be engaged in an intense effort to complete this process by the bylaws-mandated deadline College Council's March meeting. When the nominations and elections requests come out, please help us expedite this process by responding quickly and by encouraging your colleagues to participate. This year, we have over 50 open positions. With your help and understanding, we, hopefully, will be able to fill these slots and meet our deadline at the same time.

The Governance standing committees meet on the third Tuesday of each month; College Council meets on the fourth Tuesday. Current meeting minutes are posted to the Governance Web site after they are approved in the next month's meeting. Major issues addressed last month are as follows:

College Council (Feb. 28, 3:30 p.m., PDC)Approved revised Penn College Mission Statement; tabled a "Student Choice Awards" proposal by the Student Affairs Committee pending additional information; rejected a proposal made by the Long Range Planning Committee to add an endowment option for high-school graduates from the Williamsport area to the college's SWOT analysis. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting College Council chair David L. Evans .)

Academic Standardsand Issues (Feb. 21, 3:30 p.m.; LRC, Room151)Tabled a proposal for monetary reimbursement or waiver of tuition for students taking internships until the coordinator of this initiative could be in attendance; tabled a proposal for fitness credit for military experience until additional information can be obtained. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting AS&I chair Lawrence W. Emery.)

Curriculum (Feb. 21, 3:30 p.m.; LEC, Room220)New course approved CHM 305 Chemistry Literature Research New baccalaureate degree minor approved Chemistry (MIC) Minor changes approved Graphic Design (BGD); Early Childhood Education (EC), AAS; Business Administration, Management Information Systems Concentration (BBS), BS; Management (MMG); FIN 420 Estate Planning; FIN 430 Retirement Planning; Business Management (BM), AAS; MGT 231 Business Law I; MGT 241 Business Law II; MGT 360 Legal Environment of Business (eliminate); Physician Assistant (BPA), BS. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Curriculum chair Marie Smith .)

Facilities (Feb. 21, 3:30 p.m.; CC, Room207)Energy Conservation Subcommittee reported onits Web-site development and on the importance of equipment efficiency on campus; interior painting of the Madigan Library is progressing; the BiLo building has been completely removed and specs for the new building to replace it are being finalized; exterior ATHS lighting is being upgraded;the Student Government Associationasked to take the lead in enforcing the smoke-free zone at the patio entrance to the Susquehanna Room; student use of indoor basketball courts being investigated. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Facilities chair Richard C. Taylor .)

Human Resources (Feb. 23, 3:30 p.m.; LEC, Room220)Decision made to distribute the Team-Oriented Recognition Survey to supervisors only; update given on the Distinguished Staff Awards process and Dana Suter announced as the chair of this committee. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Human Resources chair Barbara Wayne-Mellot.)

Long Range Planning (Feb. 21, 3:30 p.m., PDC)Collegewide SWOT analysis posted on Governance Web site has produced very little input to date LRPC will place an article in PCToday to help rectify this situation; subcommittee on the use of college facilities during the summer months will generate report for the next LRPC meeting. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Long Range Planning chair Daniel K. Christopher .)

Student Affairs (Feb. 21, 3:30 p.m., PDC)Student Choice Awards proposal accepted and forwarded for College Council's consideration see Council's summary above for the action taken; student-safety issue addressed by campus chief of police; Basket Ballyhoo initiative to benefit the new library. (Get additional details by reading the meeting summary or by contacting Student Affairs chair Eugene M. McAvoy .)

Governance issues affect YOU! Be sure to share your concerns and opinions with your Governance representatives (a full roster is available on the Governance Web site). All Governance committee meetings are open to the college community.

Have a concern that isn't being addressed? Use the "My Voice" form to let us know.