Penn College News

Larson Design Group Establishes Scholarship

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Front row, from left%3A Joann Kay, executive director of the Penn College Foundation%3B C. Fred LaVancher, chairman of the board of Larson Design Group Inc. (holding check)%3B and Robert W. Ferrell III, son of the late Robert W. Ferrell Jr. Back row, from left%3A Howard Edkin, PLS.%3B William Berger%3B Robert Weaver, PLS%3B and  Kurt Hetrick (former employees of Robert Ferrell, now Larson Design Group employees). Photo provided by Larson Design Group.A leading engineering, architecture and surveying firm has established an endowed scholarship at Pennsylvania College of Technology as a memorial to one of the company's founding members.

Representatives of Larson Design Group recently finalized the scholarship agreement, making a gift of $20,000 to establish the fund as a permanent source of scholarship awards. The Larson Design Group/Robert W. Ferrell, Jr. Memorial Scholarship targets awards to students in Penn College's civil engineering technology and surveying technology majors. Ferrell passed away in 1993.

"Bob was the consummate gentleman," said C. Frederick LaVancher, chairman of the board of Larson Design Group. "His mantra was 'client service.' If a client called with a problem, Bob Ferrell put on his hat and coat and was out the door to assist that client and provide a solution to the problem at hand."

"Larson Design Group is very fortunate to have had a mentor like Bob Ferrell, who taught us that total customer satisfaction is the only way to conduct our business," LaVancher added. "We are indeed pleased to endow the Robert W. Ferrell engineering scholarship at Penn College as a memorial to one of our founding members."

Awards from the Larson Design Group/Robert W. Ferrell, Jr. Memorial Scholarship will be made annually, with preference to students who: are enrolled full time in the college's civil engineering technology or surveying technology majors, have a grade-point average of 3.0 or higher, and are residents of Pennsylvania (first preference is Lycoming County; second preference is the surrounding counties).

Applications must be filed in accordance with the college's procedures and processes. The award may be used to defray the costs of tuition, fees, books, tools other required instructional supplies or other eligible expenses.

For more information about establishing scholarships at Pennsylvania College of Technology, call (570) 320-8020, toll-free (866) GIVE-2-PC; send e-mail ; or visit online.