Penn College News

Lanessa L. Satteson Named SGA's 'Student of the Month'

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Lanessa L. SattesonLanessa L. Satteson, of Elimsport, in her final semester toward an associate's degree in collision repair technology, has been chosen by Pennsylvania College of Technology's Student Government Association as February's "Student of the Month."

"Lanessa is a solid role model for ... students," remarked her faculty nominator. "She has a strong work ethic and can be seen in the hallways of the College Avenue Labs building studying with other collision repair students all the time."

She "is on track and extremely motivated" to graduate at the end of this semester, the nominator said, explaining that graduating "on time" means two semesters of 17 credits and two of 18 credits. In addition tothat full-time academic load, Satteson is a member and an officer of PCCustoms, Penn College's collision repair car club.

"She is an integral part of the club and has donated her own time and energies to custom-paint the car-club logo on a donated Mustang hood," according to the nomination. "The club displays the hood at all functions; Lanessa also donates her time at car shows here on campus."

She also is one of the student Service Advisers in the collision lab, and, in 2004, was the recipient of the Akzo Nobel "Most Influential Women in the Collision Repair Industry" scholarship award the first first-place winner at the college undergraduate level.

SGA regularly selects a "Student of the Month" based on commitment, service, role-model behavior, academics, leadership and campus involvement.